Scrambled Toffeggs

Scrambled Toffeggs

Howdy howdy howdy!

Time to talk breakfast.

One of the main questions I have been asked since changing to a vegan diet is “don’t you miss having eggs for breakfast?” Not anymore, as we stumbled across scrambled “tofegg” when we visited the wonderful Mayze one morning for a leisurely breakfast.

Stewart ordered scrambled tofegg and toast, and I knew upon trying that I had to try recreate it!  I cheekily asked one of the lovely members of staff for some tips, and from their wonderful advice, the below recipe was born:


  • Tofu block (I use naked tofoo) – I usually drain/squeeze the moisture out with some kitchen towel, however don’t attempt to drain too much, as some liquid helps keep the scrambly texture
  • 1tbsp cumin
  • 1tbsp turmeric
  • Salt and pepper to taste

Add all of the above to a bowl and mix together. I find using a fork helpful to separate the tofu block.

Fry over a medium heat for 5-10 mins, and serve with whatever your heart desires! We enjoy ours with some hash browns and baked beans!


Yep, its that easy, and is totally delish! Give it a go, I promise you will enjoy it 🙂